Highbrow vapor reviews
Highbrow vapor reviews

highbrow vapor reviews

Highbrow: -We felt strongly that our fruit flavors were going to please a great many people particularly our take on citrus flavored ejuices. SPINFUEL: Speaking of going ‘pro’, was it a particular flavor, or group of flavors, that you believed were good enough to offer to the public that launched Highbrow? Nothing could be further from the truth lol. Before I began my juice making journey I thought that making juices was much like mixing a cocktail. A juice that smells good will more often than not taste good as well. Another aspect of juice making we try and encapsulate is the essence of aroma and its importance in detecting flavor. Since flavor is often associated with texture and vaping has no texture it can get a bit tricky making a flavor for a particular person that wants a particular flavor to shine through. Doesn’t keep us from trying of course but that is half the fun. Not to stray from the question but this it is interesting to me that some things just don’t work and this is a reality. There is a learning curve to making juices as with anything. For some time we were happy with our bounty but once the industry began to grow we felt it time to share our passion with others in the hopes they would enjoy our juices as much as we were. Highbrow: -After being introduced to the ecig a number of years back when juice was a bit different then it is now we spent quite a bit of time coming up with our own flavors which we preferred over what we were purchasing. SPINFUEL: How did you learn to make eLiquids? Did it take long? At what point did you decide to go “pro”? (decide to sell eLiquid to the public) Ultimately what led us to the industry is the lack of customizable options offered out there for the countless individual taste buds. In turn our customer base is comprised primarily of folks that have been vaping for quite some time or have taken a quick liking to it and have spent countless hours watching reviews or scouring through forums and blogs. We are a relatively small company that sells only juice. As many of you out there can attest, we are reformed smokers that have a passion for vaping and our business model benefits those out there that have the same interest. Highbrow Vapor has been live a little over a year now but the seeds were sown quite some time before that. We certainly appreciate it and hope your readership can learn a little bit about us in the process. Highbrow: -Firstly, thank you for the opportunity to talk a little about our business with your audience. Let’s start off with when and why did your company decide to get into the e-juice business? SPINFUEL: Thank you for participating in this interview.

Highbrow vapor reviews